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Graduate Topics

These materials are intended for Palouse Mindfulness graduates, but all the videos and readings given here are open to anyone. They came from live graduate meetings held between 2013 and 2023 in which we explored and expanded on topics introduced in the eight-week Palouse Mindfulness MBSR course, and can be accessed selectively and in any order. For instance, you might pick just a few topics to explore, or you may want to experience them all, and there's no requirement that you do the topics in the order they are given here.

Athough the videos and readings for each module are organized in a similar structure to weeks 1-8 of the main MBSR course, there are no practice sheets. If you already have a regular meditation practice, it's expected that you will continue with that as you explore the Graduate Topics. Of course, it's quite possible that how you practice and how often you practice may change as you explore some of these topics, but we leave that to you.

There is more in the following modules than there is in the entire Palouse Mindfulness 8-week course, so please take your time and let your engagement with these materials come from a sense of curiosity and exploration.

PS - While following the modules below could, in that sense, be thought of as "advanced" training, it is not teacher-training. The teacher-training programs we know of can be found on the Teacher-Training page.

Inner Listening
"Looking Good"
Preferences vs Demands
Loving Those We Don't Think Deserve It
Grief and Loss
Acceptance / Non-Striving
The Dark Pieces
Telling the Truth
Emotional Courage
Belonging / Wholeness
Be Kind. Always.
The Illusion of "Self"
Original Goodness
Altruism/Moral Courage
Radical Acceptance
About Retreats...
Social/Political Unrest
Not Knowing